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PS09Q1 Design Document


Varshinni M

Student ID


Design Analysis

  • We use an ArrayList as a "database" to store all the citizens that need to be processed. Once a Citizen has been processed, they are removed from this list.
  • The Max heap is implemented using the technique of Priority Queue and is represented as an array of CitizenRecord objects.
  • We can store upto a max of 100 items in the MaxHeap. This value can be altered by changing the value of the constant ARRAY_MAX_CAPACITY. If we try to push more than 100 items (by default), an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown saying "Heap limit reached".

Design Considerations

  • An ambiguity in the question was whether to throw an error when we try to invoke nextCitizen() when the records in the Queue get depleted. This was solved by printing the statement "End of Queue" when such a scenario occurs.
  • The main and only deviation in this problem statement is that not only does the root of the heap need to have the max item in the heap but also every item in the heap must also be always sorted according to the given priority. Hence, we have to do a Heap Sort after every insert or delete operation.
  • We should ideally perform a Heap Sort in order to sort every element in the queue according to its priority whenever a new record is added. That is kind of an "active" sorting approach to keep the queue sorted at all time. But that increases the time complexity of the algorithm by a huge factor. Also, there is no point in sorting the heap during insertion because we are not reading any data from they queue yet. Hence, we will do a "lazy-sort" - meaning that we will sort the items only when needed - that is, either when performing read operations like looking for the next Citizen or when printing the queue.

Time Complexity Analysis

Function Time Complexity Comment
registerCitizen O(N log N) Where N is the number of initial Citizens
enqueueCitizen O(1) Since we are just inserting an item into the ith index in the Queue
nextCitizen O(N log N) Where N is the number Citizens currently in the Queue
dequeueCitizen O(N) Where N is the number Citizens currently in the Queue

Instructions to run the program

  1. Paste the input files inputPS09Q1a.txt & inputPS09Q1b.txt respectively into the folder where the the java source file ( is present
  2. Compile the java file using the command
  3. java
  4. Run the program using the command
  5. javac PS09Q1
  6. The output will be printed to the file outputPS09Q1.txt

Note: The sample input and output files are already provided in the ZIP.