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PS07Q1 Design Document

Author // Student ID

Anu Shibin J // 2022MT12007

Design Analysis

  • This CustomHashTable has the following items:
    a. An ArrayList to hold the items as chains. The items are stored in chains using the Separate Chaining method in these buckets to avoid collision.
    b. All the other remaining functions like hashId(String), add(Application), remove(String applicationName), etc to perform operations on the HashTable.
  • The hashId(String) function generates the hash of a String by adding the ASCII value of each character in the String to the hash generated in each previous character iteration. We also multiply 31 to this hash in order to avoid collisions as much as possible. The number 31 was chosen because it as an odd-prime number and is mathematically proven to cause lesser collisions and is recommended by Oracle too. The Hashing function used can be defined as:
h(k) = 31 * h(x) + ASCII(k)

Time Complexity Analysis

Note: Please check the inline comments in the code to indentify how each individual operation consumes said amount of time.

Function Time Complexity Comment
hashId O(N) Where N is the number of characters in the String that needs to be hashed
initializeHash O(1) Since there will be only one bucket initially
insertAppDetails O(N) + O(N) + O(1) + O(M) + O(1) + O(N) = O(N+M) Where N is the number of buckets and M is the number of items in the chain in a bucket where the given hashId is indexed
updateAppDetails O(N+M) + O(5) + O(N+M) = O(N+M) Where N is the number of buckets and M is the number of items in the chain in a bucket where the given hashId is indexed
memRef O(M+N) Where N is the number of buckets and M is the number of items in the chain in a bucket where the given hashId is indexed
appStatus O(M+N+Q) Where N is the number of buckets and M is the number of items in the chain in a bucket where the given hashId is indexed and Q is the number of different application types
destroyHash O(N) Where N is the number of buckets

Instructions to run the program

  1. Paste the input and prompt files inputPS07Q1.txt & promptsPS07Q1.txt respectively into the folder where the the java source file ( is present
  2. Compile the java file using the command
  3. java
  4. Run the program using the command
  5. javac PS07Q1
  6. The output will be printed to the file outputPS07Q1.txt

Note: The sample input and output files are already provided in the ZIP.